Dos & Don’ts for First Time Visitors in Paris

Year after year, Paris comes up on top as the most visited city in the world. It’s not hard to see why. It boasts incredible architecture, world-renown museums and galleries, and damn good food.
If you’re a first time visitor to Paris, it can be a little daunting if you don’t speak the language and you’re not sure what to expect. My first trip to Paris was also my first trip to a non-English speaking country. I made stupid mistakes that cost me time and money, and I probably came across as an annoying tourist. I wrote this list as a reminder for my future trip to Paris, and I hope that it will be helpful for you to survive and thrive in your first Parisian adventure!

DO stay hydrated with bottled water. There’s no such thing as free drink refills in Parisian restaurants (or really anywhere in Europe) and non-alcoholic drinks are expensive. Wine is actually affordable but depending on the season you’re visiting in, you may want to stay hydrated instead of inebriated!
DO expect random metro delays or diversions. If you’re in a hurry or have a flight to catch, it’s imperative that you leave early to give yourself ample time for any transportation issues. It’s also helpful to study the Metro map ahead of time so that you’ll know alternative routes to your destination. After an insanely expensive cab ride to the airport because of metro station closures and my bad sense of direction, I have learned my lesson.
DO eat at small cafes or wherever locals eat at. The French take pride in their ingredients and sauces. Even the simplest food can taste like it’s prepared in a Michelin star restaurant. The best scrambled eggs dish I’ve ever had in my life is from a hole-in-the-wall bar in Paris that served breakfast.
DO carry a backpack instead of a suitcase. The metro stations have dozens of staircases and no elevators, and if you have several transfers, you will be walking up and down the stairs alongside dozens of other commuters. I brought a rolling suitcase on my trip and it was a nightmare trying to navigate the dozens of stairs I had to climb. Most hotels in Paris don’t have elevators either so you might be lugging your suitcase up six very narrow flights of stairs like I did. It’s quite a workout!

DON’T freak out if you can’t speak French. Bring along a small travel phrase book and learn how to say “where is” in French. It will come in handy when you’re lost! Most young people do speak English but it does help starting the conversation in French first (however broken), to the best of your capabilities.
DON’T go to Paris in summer if you can help it. The weather can get sweltering hot (see item 2 about staying hydrated) and there are thousands of tourists swarming the city. You’ll end up waiting in long lines for all the attractions and squeezing in small spaces with way too many people. However, if you’re there around July 14, you’ll get to see some fantastic fireworks shooting off the Eiffel Tower for Bastille Day. That almost makes everything else (the heat and the crowds) worth it!
DON’T expect friendly restaurant service, especially if you go during tourist season. You’re lucky to get their attention when you sit down and it takes forever to actually order the food. They are, however, very prompt in delivering your meal so that counts for something!
DON’T wear heels, for the love of your feet. You’ll be doing a lot of walking in Paris and sometimes the streets are made of cobblestones, which is virtually impossible to walk on wearing heels. You may be tempted to keep up with the fashionable Parisians, but just don’t, it’s not worth it! Unless you’re willing to blow hundreds of Euros on cab rides, I suggest wearing a pair of really comfortable shoes. Your body will thank you.
Go with an open mind and don’t be afraid to wander around and get absolutely lost. It’s a beautiful city with lots to see and do, especially if you love art and amazing food.
Bon voyage!
Fantastic tips! I would also add: Don’t tip the servers! I learned after we got back that apparently that’s not something done in Paris. In fact, servers will treat you WORSE if you tip them.
They have a service charge on the bill but sometimes people do round up the bill or leave 1 or 2 euros. It’s funny though, you’d think people will be happy to get extra cash!