Tag: Travel Tips

Navigating Kyoto

Navigating Kyoto

  Japan’s public transportation system is convenient and on time (on the dot!), but it can also be rather intimidating and confusing when you are researching it prior to your trip. There’s a lot of information out there and it can be overwhelming to figure 

Dos & Don’ts for First Time Visitors in Paris

Dos & Don’ts for First Time Visitors in Paris

Year after year, Paris comes up on top as the most visited city in the world. It’s not hard to see why. It boasts incredible architecture, world-renown museums and galleries, and damn good food. If you’re a first time visitor to Paris, it can be 

5 travel tips from a (somewhat) frugal traveler

5 travel tips from a (somewhat) frugal traveler

We all aspire to travel luxuriously but let’s face it, it’s not always within our budget to stay in nice hotels or eat in nice restaurants.  But that doesn’t mean that you have to give up traveling altogether.  There are ways to ensure you can